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CIRCUSFIT is a FREE weekly class for anyone over 50 to get fit circus style!

Funded by Sport England


Every Sunday 11.00am-12.15pm

(from January 2025)
At Ware Drill Hall SG12 9HP


Mobility and fitness exercises, dance, object manipulation (like juggling, hula hooping, staff spinning, poi twirling and flowersticks), basic acro and yoga in a positive, non-competitive and social environment where mistakes are expected to be made, and where everyone works towards a common goal.


You can come every week or just whenever you like, there's no commitment.


Are you thinking...I am too old, out of shape, not flexible enough, not coordinated?

Just because you are older that doesn’t mean you can’t do it.  Your body has amazing potential!


Everything we do in class has modifications and different progressions,

so everyone can get what they need from a CIRCUSFIT class.

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